Connecting to the Water element and your emotions

Our earliest experience, even beyond conscious memory for many, is being held by, and floating in Water, as we floated in our Mothers wombs. Water is the first element we came to know as it gently cradled us and held us.

The Water element corresponds with our emotional body and the two are extremely interlinked. With Water as our teacher we can understand that Water is fluid and in motion. Water nourishes life as long as it is moving. Water that sits still, stagnates and grows putrid. The same goes for our emotions. If we attempt to block our emotions, to ignore them and not express them in some form they, like Water, become stuck energy which can take the form of depression, physical pain or illness within the body.

The Water signs in Astrology are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and are known for being highly sensitive to the emotions of others, having a strong understanding of their intuitive or psychic abilities and deeply in touch with their subconscious. At times they can get overwhelmed in feeling, often getting hit with waves of emotion, getting lost in thought and being extremely protective of the ones they love. Since Water is free flowing and does not take the form of any shape, these signs can be susceptible to getting walked all over, especially if there are no balancing elements like Fire in the natal chart.

Explore or imagine Water in different forms - rain, waterfall, ocean spray, waves, ice etc and let it guide you into emotional expression, perhaps in a new range of ways. Welcome any emotions that come up in the body and then move them in what ever way intuitively feels right for you.

A big inner change for me since developing my Earth Altar practice has been allowing myself to feel and express my emotions in a healthy way. Spending time alone in a place where I feel comfortable and safe and bringing my attention to how I feel in the moment has helped me to realise that:

  • No emotion is bad

  • Emotions are just energy that needs to be expressed

  • Big emotions can equal a big opportunity for growth

  • Feeling and expressing our emotions takes stress off the nervous system

  • Emotions come and go and there is no need to overly identify with them

  • The more you allow yourself to feel and express them, the healthier and quicker they flow through and out

  • Having a good cry helps me feel much lighter

Ways to connect with the Water element:

  • Spend time in nature near natural bodies of Water: Dive into the ocean, a lake or a pool, float around and let Water hold you like a baby. Shower under a waterfall or walk along the seashore.

  • Take a long bath.

  • Collect a jar of Water from its natural source (ocean water, spring water or rain water) and leave it in the sun during the day and the moonlight overnight to charge up and use in your Altar to honour the Water element.

  • Try a cold shower or wild swim to reduce anxiety, improve circulation, enhance energy, strengthen your immune system, embrace greater emotional and physical resilience, and boost your mood like nothing else.

  • Listen to ocean sounds or our collaborative Spotify Water playlist here - have a listen and save any of your favourites and add any songs that remind you of the Water element.

  • Feel gratitude for every drink of fresh, clean, revitalising Water you have ever received and bring attention to your beautiful physical body which is made up of 70% Water.

  • Imagine Water in different forms - rain, waterfall, ocean spray, waves, ice etc and let it guide you into emotional expression perhaps in a new range of ways.

  • Any emotions that come up in the body, feel them and then move them in what ever way intuitively feels right for you.


The Magic of Stillness with Prue from Earth Altering


Connecting to the Fire element and your spirit