Connecting to the Air element and your mental health

The Air element within us represents aspects of the mind, intellect, communication, and knowledge. People with a balanced Air aspect are often seen as intelligent and well spoken because of their analytical minds that can observe a situation from every angle.

Air energy flows through the sky carrying the aspects of thought and communications. The element of Air can be felt as soft and gentle, when it comes as a breeze, or gusty and forceful as a tornado. It can be present without much notice at all on a still day, yet still provide life giving energy. Air can be playful, gentle, soothing, cooling, calming and it can just as easily be extremely destructive, turbulent, and generate unpredictable power. Air can also carry vibrations of sounds for our ears to hear, scents for our nose to smell, and temperatures of vast extremes for our body to feel. The gentle sound of the Wind in the trees can physically change our mind and bodily system, helping us to relax.

The three astrological Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and they are the thinkers, communicators, and doers of the zodiac. They are often eccentric beings with a need for adventure, travel and fun. Sometimes Air energy can come off as elusive and hard to read and will often present as valuing logic over emotion, often letting the brain take the lead (unlike say, Water signs, who lead with their hearts). They can also be prone to overindulging in fantasy and theory. Since Air is constantly moving, an individual with a lot of Air placements can lack the structure and stability sometimes needed to progress in a project, matter or new idea. Astrological Air signs may also struggle with expressing how they truly feel, as they can be more emotionally detached than others. 

If the Air element within you is out of balance - either too much or too little, it may lead you to feel withdrawn, noncommittal, unproductive, unfocused, sluggish, or overloaded with racing thoughts. 

Check out our collaborative Air Spotify playlist here - save your favourites and add any of your own songs that remind you of the Air element.

Ways to bring Air balance into your life:

  • Spend some time watching the clouds

  • Spend some time bird watching, draw them to your home

  • Sage/cleanse your space with incense

  • Open the windows on fresh Air days

  • Seek out a high perch with a view to the horizon

  • Try a breathing meditation (follow the breath)

  • Work out, bringing oxygen to the cells

  • Keep a journal as a tangible record of your thoughts

  • Bring wind chimes into your garden or play vibrational sounds in your home

  • Bring awareness to your breath - include incense in your Yoga practice

  • Try arial Yoga - Include flow (think โ€œwindโ€) in your sequence

  • Learn breathing techniques such as Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing)

  • Try a breath work class


Connecting to the Earth element and our physical body