My early beginnings with Earth Altars

I would love to share with you the story of how my journey with Earth Altars began.

I recently found the first little Earth Altar I ever created deep in my camera roll, which i’m super excited to share so you can see the significant evolution of my creations! The way my Earth Art has up levelled over the years is quite remarkable, but what excited me the most while reflecting on my personal journey is how much this practice has changed my entire life, and the parallel transformation of my life outside of this art practice. The growth, resilience, and beauty reflected in my Earth Art has manifested in my personal journey, relationships, and overall well-being.

Your Earth Art journey can serve as a metaphor for your own growth and evolution, reminding you of the beauty that emerges from continual learning, exploration, and self-expression.

May my story inspire you to explore the magical practice of creating Earth Altars yourself.

The more I deepen into the Earth Altering practice myself, the more I am feeling and witnessing that this process really does allow us to experience the MAGIC of life within and around us.

I remember creating my first ever Earth Altar - it was during a time when I was extremely unwell. There was a lot going on within my physical body and my mental, emotional and spiritual health were also severely out of balance. I wanted to connect with something bigger than me; if there was anyone or anything out there that could help me - I wanted to connect with it and ask for support.

My first ever Earth Altar creation.

A vision of a flower mandala literally popped into my mind (perhaps a coincidence or perhaps a sign from something bigger than myself. Let’s just say I NEVER ignore the seemingly strange thoughts that pop into my mind anymore) - I had seen mandalas before, but I didn’t know the deeper meaning behind them or how to work with them. To me they looked like a portal into the Earth.

I picked myself some flowers from the back yard and created my very own little portal. I wanted to send my prayers really deep into the particles of the universe so someone or something would “catch” them and hopefully send some answers back to me.

I asked who or what ever was listening “for support and for everything to turn out far better than I could even imagine” that day. 

The whole process took me around 10 minutes and something about this little ritual felt quite powerful and significant.

Little did I know just how significant this moment really was or how much this practice would become a huge part of my life.

Things got a lot worse for me before they started getting better. I ended up in hospital for 3 months, I got diagnosed with Lupus (an autoimmune condition) and a low grade Lymphoma, my 2 year relationship broke down and my heart ached more than the swollen joints in my body. I had to sell my picnic business, I moved to the other side of the Country to be with my family and felt as though my whole life (that I really loved) had been turned upside down and I was starting at square one.

It was a lot. And although I had a lot of support from people around me - sometimes when we are going through something big, the people that love us have their own grief around our situation and that felt like the last thing I wanted to be around.

It was during this time that I started creating these portals into the earth more regularly. I would pray into them, sing into them, cry into them, sit in silence with them.

I was finding so much healing through being alone in nature, letting the Earth hold me and processing everything that was going on without anyone consoling me, giving me advice, telling me it was going to be ok, etc etc… and just being held in a place where words don’t really matter.

I travelled from one side of Australia to the other during Covid (this meant dealing with border closures and time in quarantine), and was finding myself in new places a lot. This practice was something that was helping me to feel more grounded and held by nature during a time of instability.

I would create a little portal in every new place I arrived. I would mark out the directions which would help me get my bearings in a new place, I would connect with the elements which would allow me to feel a sense of familiarity and calm my nervous system and spend some time in silence getting a feel for my surroundings.

I created Earth Altars wherever I went to feel a sense of stability and belonging. 

This practice became an important ritual for me and I would use this time to also check in on the different parts of myself (my mental, physical, spiritual and emotional bodies) and doing this regularly had profound effects on my healing.

I started sharing a little bit about my practice on Instagram, and unexpectedly got a lot of interaction and learned that there was others out there who may benefit from this process too!

As my health started slowly improving, I felt the call to share more. My Earth Altar practice was constantly evolving, it was something that was lighting up my spirit, so I started creating them with others and it has taken me on such a massive journey, it’s really hard to keep up with or put into words.

I now make a living from creating these portals all over the Country, running workshops and sharing with others what I have learned (and continue to learn).

I feel like what ever I connected to that day back in February 2020, has been guiding me ever since and I can wholeheartedly say that through this practice my life is unfolding far better than I ever could have dreamed or imagined.

My intention for this work is to help others discover the magic that is available to all of us if we find a way to tune into it. You might spend some time foraging, connecting with nature, sitting in silence and tuning into the different parts of yourself and have an urge to create something else - it doesn’t necessarily have to be an extravagant Earth Altar, but I have found this is a very effective way to open the door to god, great spirit, universal energy (what ever you want to call it) to get clarity around your desires and the answers to all of your questions.

It is from this place you will know what step to take next if you keep following the magic threads.

This is me now, 4 years later - in my absolute element: creating Earth Art at a festivals and events all over Australia, surrounded by nature, music, art and so much love - constantly pinching myself when a day at work looks like this!

I have no idea where this journey is leading me, but I can say I have never felt more inspired, on purpose, regulated in my emotions and clarity in my mind and I want as many people as possible to experience this magic.

Together we really can heal each other and the Earth!

If you would like to delve into this magical practice, connect with a like minded community and experience a deep connection to yourself, nature and the magic in life through creating Earth Altars, check out my self paced Online Course, where I have put together everything I have learned to guide you through this journey!

Thank you for being here and reading my story, I hope you feel inspired to now create your own 🧡

If you would like to connect with me you can do so via the contact form on my website or send me a DM on Instagram where I am most active.




The Magic of Stillness with Prue from Earth Altering